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27 June - 2 July 2016


An eclectic blend of teachers and healers, each bringing their own unique gifts and sharing more than words alone can express.


Tiger Singleton

Tiger Singleton - author & spiritual teacher. World class speakers and teachers at It's In You retreats.

Tigmonk is described by many as a 34 year-old Modern-Day-Mystic, which simply points to someone with a sincere connection to the Source of Life. Although he hasn't adopted this title, he has a sincere appreciation within for the Love others see in themselves as they share space together.  


Time spent with Tigmonk is promised to playfully draw you inward and help you see more clearly the beauty you already are.  His innate ability to clarify the human experience allows the heart and mind to unify with Love.

Peta Morton

Peta Morton, Reiki teacher & healer

Lucy Hodges

Peta is a well-known and respected Reiki teacher with a clientele around the world.  A ‘healer’s healer’, she discovered energy healing relatively late in life as a result of a series of awakening experiences that followed a life-threatening illness.  Her passion lies in helping people to reclaim their authentic power, to reconnect with their true nature.  She gently encourages her students to develop new ways of thinking and being, in a fun and practical way.   


Her pioneering Imaging the Hidden Geometry of Reiki campaign received acclaim from thought leaders and scientific researchers around the world and is helping to form a bridge between the worlds of science and spirituality.

Lucy Hodges

Nadège Cahue

Nadège Cahue, yoga teacher
Lucy is a creative life coach, qualified Swedish massage therapist, Holographic Repatterning practitioner and Phytobiophysics teacher. With her unique blend of art and coaching, she helps people release unsupportive beliefs and emotions. She helps them to rediscover the things they most value and make lasting changes in their lives.
Nadège teaches Hatha yoga, a traditional type of yoga and profound form of physical meditation, suitable for all ages and all levels.  

Lionel Bottone

Lionel Bottone, osteopath
Lionel has a thriving osteopathy practice with an ever-expanding clientele who find him largely through word of mouth. It is often said that 'structure governs form'. Osteopathy is primarily a mechanical healing method and aims to harmonise the structure of the body. He is an inspired and intuitive healer and a fabulous osteopath.  

What people have been saying:

"Time with Tigmonk has helped me remember my true essence in a way that I was only able to intellectualise before."



"I used to joke with my friends that I wanted to get a bumper sticker that says, 'What would Tigmonk do?'"



For the past 40 or more years I've read, listened to and followed (for a time) innumerable spiritual teachers. Many moved me to tears and opened my heart to a greater reality than my poor ego/persona would allow on its own.  I have to say, none of them have moved me more than you, Tigmonk, because you are the real deal. You've gone through hell to get to this heavenly plane, just as we all have. I sure do love you."  



"Peta is a skilled and inspirational communicator."



"Wow! What a day!"



"Your style of teaching is a joy."



"The daily practice has done absolute wonders already.  It's helping me to feel so much more balanced, aware, open, tuned in."



"This is such a gift.  My energy levels are through the roof and it's amazing to be able to look beyond ignorance and zoom right into where the positivity is."



"Lucy listens."


"Lucy's insightful, empathic guidance will take to you to the next level of consciousness. My life and relationships are so much better now."

An Explosion of Love by Tigmonk
It's In You. Life-changing retreats. World class speakers & teachers. Amazing venues. You will never look at the world in the same way again.



It's In You

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